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Descripción | No. Parte Newark | Fabricante | Cantidad | Total en USD |
Light Pipes, LEDs, LED Assemblies, Mounting Hardware, Accessories & LED Lighting
Bivar’s Optoelectronic products and accessories offer multiple ways to move light in LED indication designs. The focused products include Light Pipes, LEDs, LED Assemblies and LED mounts, all of which make moving light from point-to-point practical, easy, efficient and affordable.
The company’s flexible light pipe systems are designed to be affordable and to simplify the manufacturing process. They offer a variety of lens cap indicators and LED adaptors that provide exceptional viewing angles, light diffusion and intensity. The wide selection of LEDs, such as the PLCC4 package, have greater luminous intensity and multiple color combinations, all of which propose to empower designers in achieving their goals with indication products.
Bivar’s products provide designers with the choices and the flexibility they need to innovate and maximize efficiently.
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