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Descripción | No. Parte Newark | Fabricante | Cantidad | Total en USD |
As a specialist for automation and industrial networking technology, Hirschmann™ electronics develops innovative solutions for performance, efficiency and investment reliability—available at Newark.
Hirschmann™ has adopted a major role in the establishment of Ethernet technology as the standard in production. Today, the Powerlink protocol from the Ethernet Powerlink Standardization Group already provides an open method for the realization of hard real-time applications using Ethernet, like machinery controllers, by integrating the CANopen® Protocols. Hirschmann™ is a founding member of the EPSG.
Hirschmann™ is also the only brand on the market to offer a complete product range for homogeneous data communication using Industrial Ethernet and Fieldbus systems, plus a broad support package direct from the product manufacturer. Customers are supported during the conception of tailor-made communications solutions, planning, design, commissioning and maintenance of networks.
Go to the Hirschmann website.
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