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set up for international operations in 2016, is specialized in actuator/sensor wiring solutions in automation. The company’s connectivity solutions also include the matching passive distribution boxes. The product range is rounded off by Industrial LED lights.
The company shares in the specific expertise of the Lumberg Group. Lumberg established the M12 circular connector as a global standard in the early 80s. Based on this, Lutronic develops and distributes as a sister company of Lumberg Group, quality M8 and M12 circular connectors for signal, data and power applications intended for customized uses. Read More
Lutronic’s particular strength in the business unit automation – next to standardized industrial connectors – lies in the development and production of customized solutions for equipment manufacturers with high demands on quality and attractive prices.
A variety of actuator/sensor cables, single ended or double ended with overmolded A-coded connectors, with M8/M12 threaded joint according to IEC 61076-2-104/101, IP67 or as an M8 with a snap joint, IP65 are available, as are M8/M12 sockets, optionally even with LED. This is rounded off by passive M8/M12 actuator/sensor distribution boxes with LED; 4, 8, or even 10-port for M8 (all in IP67) with a central cable or M12 connection. Both the M12 4-port and M12 8-port versions accommodate single or dual signal per output. M8 and M12 panel mount connectors are also available for front-side mounting with flying leads, or backwall mounting for printed circuit boards.
Following the demand in automation, Lutronic’s product range also features high-performance Industrial LED lights for mechanical engineering with a solid aluminum casing and frosted tempered glass, IP67, with M8 connectors. The available performance levels of these LED lights Made in Germany range between 4 W for 160 mm in length up to 24 W in 860 mm length.
Cordsets with overmolded connectors, single or double-ended, with threaded joint M8 or M12 according to IEC 61076-2-104, IP67, or with snap joint, IP65.
Circular power connectors with Quicklock mechanism, 2–12 poles, four design sizes. Protection degree IP67. For signal and load currents up to 50 A.
Circular connectors with screw clamps, with threaded joint M12 according to IEC 61076-2-101, IP67.
Circular power connectors with Quicklock mechanism, 2–12 poles, four design sizes. Protection degree IP67. For signal and load currents up to 50 A.
Panel mount receptacles, with threaded joint M8 according to IEC 61076-2-104, IP67, for front or rear side mounting, with stranded wires or for printed circuit boards.
Passive actuator/sensor distribution boxes, single or double signal, with LEDs, 4 or 8 M12 ports, IP67, main connection by cable or M12 connector.
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