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Solicitar una cotizaciónSierra Wireless is building the Internet of Things with intelligent wireless solutions that empower organizations to innovate in the connected world. Sierra Wireless is a multinational wireless equipment hardware designer with a 20+ year history of innovation. Offering embedded wireless modules and an M2M connectivity and cloud platform. With more than 550 unique patents in a vast array of wireless product, Sierra Wireless looks to enable the connected world with intelligent wireless solutions so their customers can innovate.
The HL Series offers unprecedented scalability between 2G, 3G, and 4G networks and is pin-to-pin compatible with the next-gen WP Series. If compact size, long life cycle, and supporting multiple product lines with a single platform is important, then the HL Series is for you.
Buy NowMore than a cellular modem, the next-gen WP Series provides a secure device-to-cloud architecture enabling IoT developers to build a Linux-based product on a single module – reducing overall system complexity and time-to-market.
Buy NowThe EM & MC Series offer unprecedented LTE speeds, bandwidth, and network performance on PCI Express Mini Card (MC Series) and M.2 (EM Series) form factors commonly used in networking equipment.
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