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The 6.1 NX-Series line-up has been expanded to include a 600 amp, 1200 volt dual module to suit a higher power range of applications.
More InfoNew Version 6 DIPIPM™ simplifies the design of low power inverters for residential, commercial, and industrial applications by using the latest low loss IGBTs (7th Generation CSTBT™)
More InfoVERSION C modules are designed for use in applications requiring rectification, half-control, or full control. These modules are isolated for easy mounting with other components on a common heat sink. They are constructed with compression bonded Silicon technology for high surge and thermal cycling capability.
More InfoIGBT Gate Drivers use integrated circuits consisting of an optically isolated input and various output current ratings to provide optimal gate drive to IGBT modules. Many models include isolated DC-DC converters for single-supply operation.
More InfoIsolated DC-to-DC converter designed for on-board power supplies in industrial control equipment, including IPMs (Intelligent Power Modules) and IGBT gate drives.
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